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Typical oil vs Clean oil: Does it matter?

Short answer, yes it does. There’s a reason equipment manufacturers set precise oil cleanliness requirements. Watch our ISOCLEAN 101 video series to learn more.

Looking at oil through magnifying glass Looking at oil through magnifying glass

Why do machines require clean lubricants?

Oil truck and tank Oil truck and tank

New oil may not be clean enough

clean oil program clean oil program

How to reduce wear with a clean oil program



How much do you know about varnish? 

Are you being proactive about varnish? Many reliability engineers see varnish buildup as just a way of life that can only be addressed after operating problems occur. But the cost of waiting to fix that problem is more than you’d think, because the related hidden costs can add up before you even realize you have a varnish problem in the first place.


Man looking at turbine Man looking at turbine