The Chevron Keep Clean Preferred Vendor Program recommends reputable vendors who offer tools to enhance lubricant-reliant operations for small, medium, and large enterprises after products are purchased. From storage and handling, to sampling tools for fluid analysis, Keep Clean Vendors aid organizations with their maintenance and lubrication needs—so these organizations can maximize performance and minimize costly downtime.
Extending Chevron’s customer-centric approach to lubrication, vendors in the Keep Clean Preferred Vendor Program are selected based off Chevron’s stringent requirements for quality suppliers who can provide the resources and knowledge to keep lubricants clean once delivered and in-service.
The 1st step in oil analysis is getting a clean representative sample that can be trended over time. Checkfluid's vision is to design and manufacture a sampling valve that delivers that precision sample for the application. Since 2001, Checkfluid valves have been used by leading companies in over 70 countries to support the amazing value of oil analysis.
Des-Case serves its customers with leading, innovative products and services that enhance equipment reliability and increase profitability. Their products extend the life of industrial lubricants by preventing contamination with desiccant breathers, removing contaminants with filtration systems, and detecting lubricant problems with condition monitoring and visual oil analysis to keep lubricants healthy and clean for maximum performance.
Case Studies
Trinity River Lumber Redefines Clean with ISOCLEAN® Certified Lubricants
To learn more about the importance of clean lubricants, visit, call 1-866-354-4476 to access information and resources, or find your local Chevron representative at