ISOCLEAN Program - Start Clean
Gain reliability right from the beginning
ISOCLEAN® Certified Lubricants help you fight the particle contamination that can ruin your equipment and your productivity. They meet or exceed OEM ISO cleanliness standards and help ensure the high-performance additive system is not compromised.
Help ensure cleanliness when it’s most critical
Trust our process to uphold high standards
From original formulation to quality control at delivery, we go to great lengths to ensure product integrity. We start with lubricants formulated to meet OEM ISO cleanliness requirements while minimizing the risk of critical additive removal. The ISOCLEAN Certification process follows strict procedures and uses advanced equipment to filter, test and approve every batch we deliver. Each shipment includes an ISOCLEAN Certificate of Analysis documenting the ISO 4406 clenliness level. It is an uncompromising process that certifies the lubricant you are receiving meets requirements to maximize equipment life.
What really breaks down when there's contamination?
ISOCLEAN® Certified Lubricants
Compressor oils
Transmission/gear oils
Hydraulic oils
Turbine oils
Calculate your cleanliness
In three easy steps, calculate your current ISO cleanliness level and
see how it may be impacting your equipment life.