Breaking with Convention
Updates to the Delo® HDEO Product Line

There’s no question that the past few years have been challenging for all of us. From the pandemic to world events to uncertain economic headwinds – it’s been a time of immense and, oftentimes, confusing change. At the same time, the past few years have taught us that one of the only certainties is that we can expect more uncertainty. In our industry, we know that likely means increasing demand for lower carbon emissions, additional regulatory requirements, geopolitical conflicts and the continued evolution of the diesel engine and diesel fuel.
For our team at Chevron, these past few years have been a time for us to reflect on what’s important. To listen to our customers. To talk with engine manufacturers and OEMs. And to critically analyze where the industry is heading.
Here’s what we heard: the supply chain challenges we’ve seen in recent years have been a significant pain point – folks want to know that they’ll be able to find the Chevron Delo® products they know and trust, when and where they need them. We also heard that the wide array of four categories of Delo heavy duty engine oils – conventional, synthetic blend, synthetic technology and full-synthetics – can make it hard to understand what product is right for our end users. And, today’s modern engines increasingly call for higher performing synthetic blend and full synthetic lubricants.
When you put it all together, it became clear that at Chevron, we needed to make a change.
That’s why today we’re letting you know that we are breaking with convention and simplifying our Chevron Delo product line to move from four categories of engine oil to two categories of top-tier products: synthetic blends and full synthetics.
We believe that by simplifying our portfolio to focus on these two categories of top-tier products, we will be able to better ensure that our customers not only continue to get the highest quality range of HDEO they’ve come to expect, but we’ll also be able to better deliver on a promise of supply reliability and price competitiveness.
Here is what it means for you: beginning in January 2024, we will be sunsetting the conventional products in our HDEO product line, including Delo 400 SAE SDE 10W-30 and Delo 400 SAE SDE 15W-40. In place of our conventional Delo 400 SAE SDE 15W-40, we will upgrade our customers from conventional to our syn-blend Delo 400 XLE SB SAE15W-40 – which will be offered at the same price you’ve come to expect from conventional Delo products. This new high-quality synthetic-blend SAE 15W-40 product will complement our existing Delo 400 XLE SAE 10W-30.
The syn-blend products in the Delo product line have been designed to meet the needs of today’s modern engines and can be used in all the same situations where conventional products were used. Moving up to a syn-blend will also provide our customers with a product that’s been engineered to deliver longer oil life, better wear protection and longer engine life, all while meeting the latest emissions and reliability standards.
And you won’t need to hunt to find these syn-blend products. They’ll be found in the recognizable Chevron blue bottle with the red cap you know and expect. When these syn-blend products hit store shelves, we’ll also be including a note to let our customers know the product ‘Replaces Delo 400 SDE and XLE SAE 15W-40. No Compromises.’
At Chevron, we’ve never backed down from a challenge. We've always been eager to adapt, to focus on meeting our customers' needs, and to guide us forward together. Change keeps us fresh. It forces us to think for the long-term. It helps us improve our ability to protect our customers’ assets, enhance the performance of their engines, and power their success.
Today’s uncertain world calls on us to break with convention, and we’re excited to be making the changes needed to make it even easier for our customers to Choose Delo today, tomorrow and for years to come. With our simplified lineup of Chevron Delo products, that’s exactly what we’re doing. No compromises.